Thursday, November 12, 2015

Carbs carbs carbs

All you should know about carbs!!!!!!!!
Carbohydrates are often referred to as "carbs",they are the primary source of energy and are important in any healthy diet,contrary to the belief that carbs causes obesity,they are bad and should be avoided,not all carbs are the same ,some are healthy while others are bad for our health."carbs" are classified based on their chemical make up and what your body does with them.Carbs are classified into good(complex )carbs and bad(simple) carbs,
Good carbs contains long chain of sugar molecules that takes more time for the body to break down and use and they provide you with more energy,contains fibre and have a lower glymecic load(meaning you tend to feel full longer after eating them and they are healthier.examples are fruits,vegetables,legumes nuts ,tubers and wholegrains.
Bad carbs on the other hand are high in sugàr,lower in fibre with no nutritional value for your body,instead spikes your blood sugar level,and have a higher glycemic load examples are processed fruit juices, pastries,sodas,artificial syrups, desserts,white rice,white bread, candies,processed food etc.learn to incorporate healthy options into your diet,eat food in their natural state not processed with hidden and added sugars and preservatives,you can't go wrong with that.Always remember clean eating is a life style not just for the moment,wishing you all the best on your weight loss journey!!!

Sent from: YOGA TABLET

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